Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wrinkle Release Spray

After some searching I found a magic wand or spray that is, I don't iron unless its for a crafting project so here you have it:

1/3 cup liquid fabric softener (go cheap)
1/3 cup white vinegar
1/3 cup water
Mix your three ingredients and pour them into a spray bottle. Then take your wrinkled garment, place it on a hanger, spray it thoroughly (though not soaking), and give it a shake.

Helpful Hints For winter

Helpful Hints For Winter (I got this from check this site out its great!)

*Ice-proof your windows...with vinegar! Frost on it's way? Just fill a spray bottle with three parts vinegar to one part water & spritz it on all your windows at night. In the morning, they'll be clear of icy mess. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which raises the melting point of water---preventing water from freezing! *

*Squeak-proof your wipers...with rubbing alcohol! Wipe the
wipers with a cloth saturated with rubbing alcohol or ammonia. This one trick can make badly streaking & squeaking wipers change to near perfect silence & clarity. *

*Prevent car doors from freezing shut...with cooking spray! Spritz cooking oil on the rubber seals around car doors & rub it in with a paper towel. The cooking spray prevents water from melting into the rubber!*

*De-ice your lock in seconds...with hand sanitizer! Just put some hand sanitizer gel on the key & the lock & the problems solved! *

*Fog-proof your windshield...with shaving cream! Spray some shaving cream on the inside of your windshield & wipe if off with paper towels. Shaving cream has many of the same ingredients found in commercial defoggers! *

*Keep your headlights clear...with car wax! Just wipe ordinary car wax on your headlights. It contains special water repellents that will prevent that messy mixture from accumulating on your lights - lasts 6 weeks. *

Homemade Goo/Silly Putty

1 cup water
1 cup cornstarch
4-5 drops fruit juice like blueberry or raspberry (combine a 1/4 cup of the food with 2 cups water, simmer for an hour. Cool, strain, and use as coloring).
Work the ingredients together and let your kids have fun with this gooey concoction.

Silly Putty
2 cups white school glue
1 cup liquid starch

Mix together and set aside until dry. Store in an airtight container.

Homemade Play Dough

3 cups flour
1.5 cups salt
6 tsp cream of tarter
3 tbsp oil
3 cups water
Pour all ingredients into a large pot and stir constantly over medium heat until a ball forms. Knead the play dough until the texture matches conventional play dough (1-2 minutes). Add food coloring if you want colored play dough.
Store in plastic container. Should last for at least 3 months.

Peanut Butter Play Dough

18 oz. peanut butter
6 tbsps. honey
Non-fat dry milk
Cocoa for flavor

Mix all ingredients, adding enough dry milk to give make dough pliable. Shape, decorate with edible treats, and eat!

Salt Dough
Equal amounts salt and flour; then add enough water to make it doughy.

Dries hard in a couple of days and then you can paint it.

Wash day cake

It's a snow day here in Arkansas so I thought I'd share a good snow day recipe.

Here is a good snow day treat you probably have everything needed to make it 

Wash Day Cake 
3c. Flour
2c. Sugar
6T. Cocoa powder
2 teaspoon soda
2 teaspoon baking powder
2/3c. Oil
2c. Water
2.T vinegar
2 teaspoons vanilla

Combine all dry ingredients set aside. Combine all wet ingredients mix together until smooth. 

Pour into greased 9x13 
(put pan on cookie sheet sometimes it boils over)

1c. Sugar
1c. Brown sugar
4T coca
Sprinkle over batter
Pour 2 cup cold water all
Bake 350 until firm

If you let it cool all the way and flip it over it'll be iced, I can never wait that long so the icing is still runny.